In a virtual world nowadays, people are having doubt on sending and receiving sensitive information. Unsecured websites or web pages has indeed creating worries of a large numbers of Internet users when they were required to update their profiles, online payments and etc. Thus, Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) came out with the best solutions that gain all web users’ trust by getting an SSL Certificate for their website. SSL is a technology developed by Netscape and being adopted by all vendors who are producing products that were related to Web software for the exchange between client and servers.

They also offered complete security solutions and leading trust services that were needed by individuals, enterprises, government and e-commerce service providers using digital certificates, digital signatures, encryption and decryption. Trustgate is licensed under the Digital Signature Act 1997 (DSA), a Malaysia law that sets a global precedent for the mandate of a CA. The products and services of Trustgate are SSL Certificate, Managed PKI, Personal ID, MyTRUST, MyKAD ID, SSL VPN, Managed Security Services, VeriSign Certified Training and Application Development. The vision of Trustgate is to enable organizations to conduct their business securely over the Internet, as much as what they have been enjoying in the physical world.
VeriSign is the leading Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate Authority under which also enabling the security of e-commerce, communications, and interactions for Websites, Intranets, and extranets. It provides security solutions to protect an organization’s consumers, brand, Website and network.
VeriSign will review the credentials and check through all the background of organization to ensure that the claim of organization before issuing any server certificate. The browser will verify its business purpose through ID automatically when browser connects to a legitimate site with VeriSign SSL Certificates. After that, information received by Web visitor is identical to encryption between browser and server and no modification is taken place.
VeriSign is the leading Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate Authority under which also enabling the security of e-commerce, communications, and interactions for Websites, Intranets, and extranets. It provides security solutions to protect an organization’s consumers, brand, Website and network.

Digital certificate usually attached to an e-mail message or an embedded program in a web page that verifies user or websites who they claim to be. The common functions of a digital certificate are user authentication, encryption and digital signatures. User authentication provides other security than using username and password. Its session management is stronger. Encryption can make the data transmission secured by using the information encrypted. The intended recipient of the data is the only person to receive the message. Digital signatures are like the hand signature in the digital world. It can even ensure the integrity of the data.
By using the digital certificate, users will be able to make transaction on the Internet without fear of having their personal data being stolen, information contaminated by third parties and transacting party denying any commercial commitment with the users. Hence, the digital certificates can assist the development of greater Internet based activities.
With the increasing of phishing on Internet, all web users want to make sure that whether they have a good business deal with a trusted party. All the security needed because they are afraid that their personal information for instance ID number, passwords, credit card numbers and etc. will be stolen by those illegal companies that does not exist.
In the nutshell, certification from third party is needed to ensure their information travelled over the Internet that reached the intended recipient and safe. Most of the banks in Malaysia have their proof of security by showing their verified certificate on their e-banking website in order to avoid phishing.
Last but not least, VeriSign is one of the trusted brands on Internet for furthering enhances operation of e-commerce. These were because it gives confidence to end users in communicating online and online business transactions. In return, the company will receive accurate information that customers might not refuse later. They also provide additional protection against the misuse and expiring certificates.
Lastly, by applying third party certification there will be more secured for online shoppers to purchase their products or items without being worried anymore. They can now shop freely and safely as well.
Yes agreed. Third party certification makes things secure in the Internet especially, when I use the online banking service. Heck if i want my account to be hacked and found myself one day RM0 balance in my account! :(
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