Blooming Florist began operations in 1981 and is managed by May and Martin Cheah. Through the years, it has grown from a small retail shop to its present set-up of five retail outlets in Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur and a head office/workshop cum retail outlet in Kelana Jaya. Today, with it's e-commerce operations, Blooming is linked with most reliable florists throughout Malaysia. Blooming is also networked more than 100,000 florists worldwide through its membership in Interflora Pacific Unit Limited.
We are and have been Malaysia's reliable florist for many years and with your support will remain so for many more years to come. Our commitment to our mission statement, ie to provide our customers QUALITY FLOWERS and QUALITY SERVICE has been maintained consistently through the years and our growth through the years is testimonial of this commitment.
Praise God for His love, grace and mercies.
There are several features in this website, such as:
1) Types of product
From time to time, the flowers and materials used in our flowers & gift products may vary according to the availability / seasonality of the flowers &materials concerned. We reserve the right to change the flowers / materials / cakes / wines / chocolates / other gifts used (in the event of unavailability of such flowers / materials / cakes / gifts / wines / chocolates) to the most similar or next similar one which is available at the time of the order / delivery date.

2) Availability of search engine

3) Shopping carts

4) Cash Out Features
5) Payment Method
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